8. Primary Visual Cortex Flashcards | Quizlet
quizlet.com › 624181137 › 8-primary-visual-cortexStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like PRIMARY VISUAL CORTEX 1. Anatomy and Histology 2. Circuitry of V1 (Inputs from LGN) 3. Receptive Fields of V1 Neurons 4. Retinotopic Mapping 5. Ocular Dominance Columns 6. Orientation Columns 7. Blobs 8. Outputs to Other Visual Cortex Areas, ANATOMY AND HISTOLOGY, HISTOLOGY Nissl Stain 1. what does it stain? 2. what does it ...
Primary Visual Cortex Flashcards | Quizlet
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 50%, 30 maps, vertical organization of primary visual cortex and more. Home. Subjects. Solutions. Create. Study sets, textbooks, questions. Log in. Sign up. ... functional column of V1 where perpendicular to surface orientation preference is constant from pia to white matter and ...