1.9.2017 · Fill in the blanks with a present simple or present continuous tense form. 1. I ............................ my homework. do am doing 2. She ..................... as a receptionist. works is …
Auf dieser Seite findest du unsere Übungen, Tests und Rätsel zu den englischen Zeitformen. 1. Die Simple Zeitformen Simple Present 4010 Bejahte Aussagesätze im Simple Present – …
Kostenlose Arbeitsblätter und Übungen zur Zeitform "Present Progressive" für Englisch am Gymnasium und ... Present Progressive / Verlaufsform der Gegenwart.
Present Continuous Spanish Exercises El presente continuo is formed with the verb estar + another verb in gerundio. Please remember that there are some verbs in gerundio that are irregular 1) Write the “gerundio” of the verb! a) Caer ?????? b) Morir ?????? c) Sonreír ?????? d) Caminar ?????? e) Dormir ?????? f) Bailar ?????? g) Empezar ??????
Present Progressive (ing-Form) – Lückentext (Schwierigkeit: 2 von 5 – eher leicht). Fülle die Lücken mit der richtigen Verbform des Present Progressive ...
A2 Grammar: Present Continuous tense Free Practice Tests for learners of English Present Continuous tense There are 10 questions in this quiz. Read the grammar explanation below. 1. A Which word CANNOT go in the space? ____ are talking very loudly! You She They Show explanation
Diese Zeitform gibt es im Deutschen nicht. Signalwörter: look, listen, now, at the moment, still, at present. Bildung des Present Progressive. I am + verb + ...
Choose the present simple or present continuous to complete the sentences below. 1 In Johannesburg most people at least five languages. 2 Languages very fast. Half of world's languages will disappear by 2100. 3 You can't see Tim now; he a bath. 4 Please keep quiet, I to the radio. You know I to the news in the mornings. 5 What time ?
If you know how to make the tenses really well, you can concentrate only on choosing when to use them, which is more difficult. These exercises will help to make the verb forms automatic. …
Choose the present simple or present continuous to complete the sentences below. 1 In Johannesburg most people at least five languages. 2 Languages very fast. Half of world's …
Complete the following sentences using Present Continuous Tense. (Capitalize when needed) 1. My son (talk) on the phone right now. 2. (you / sleep)? 3. Jason (do) his homework at the moment. 4. Tom (work) on a project nowadays. 5. My kids (play) in the garden now. 6. Some people (wait) to talk to you. 7. My wife (not cook) today. 8.
Present Simple & Present Progressive – Lückentext (Schwierigkeit: 3 von 5 – mittel) Setze das Verb in Klammern entweder in das Present Simple oder in das Present Progressive ( ing …
1. Every Monday, Sally (drive) her kids to football practice. 2. Usually, I (work) as a secretary at ABT, but this summer I (study) French at a language school in Paris. That is why I am in Paris. …
Complete the following sentences using Present Continuous Tense. (Capitalize when needed) 1. My son (talk) on the phone right now. 2. (you / sleep)? 3. Jason (do) his homework at the …