English Present Simple Tense; Affirmative, Negative, Interrogative Affirmative Negative Interrogative I am a doctor. I am not a doctor. Am I a doctor? You are an engineer. You are not an engineer. Are you an engineer? He is at home. He is not at home. Is he at home? She is my sister. She is not my sister. Is she my sister? It is a dog. It is not a dog. Is it a dog? We are friends. We are not ...
Present Simple Tense, Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative Examples One of the first tenses students learn in English is the present simple. It’s used to describe habitual or daily activities, …
Exercises: Present simple interrogative exercises I Ejercicios del presente simple interrogativo I Presente simple interrogativo. Elige la opción correcta. 1 ____ my brother? Do your sister know …
50 ejemplos oraciones presente simple interrogativas · Does she read the newspaper every day? (¿Ella lee el periódico cada día?) · Does he live in our city? (¿Él ...
One of the first tenses students learn in English is the present simple. It’s used to describe habitual or daily activities, and it’s pretty easy to conjugate. In this post, we’ll go over some examples of how to use the present simple in affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentences. Present Simple Tense: Affirmative:
El presente de indicativo [present simple] es el tiempo usado para expresar situaciones permanentes o eventos que se repiten regularmente o que ocurren ...
1.2.2019 · 54886. 0. English concept with person holding a smartphone. In the Simple Present the negative and interrogative sentences in English are formed using the auxiliary do or does. …
1. Does she read the newspaper every day? (Ella lee el peridico cada da?) 2. Do we come to school by bus? (Nosotros vamos a la escuela en autobs?) 3. Do you ...
Inglés con ejemplos 50 ejemplos oraciones presente simple interrogativas Las oraciones interrogativas en presente simple (simple present tense) se forman escribiendo do o does antes del sujeto o pronombre personal. Does se utiliza para las terceras personas del singular He, She, it; y do para el resto.
ID: 1622923 Language: English School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) Grade/level: Grade 3 Age: 7-9 Main content: Present Simple: Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative forms …
English Present Simple Tense; Affirmative, Negative, Interrogative Affirmative Negative Interrogative I am a doctor. I am not a doctor. Am I a doctor? You are an engineer. You are not …
Ejemplos ; What do I do with this? ¿Qué hago con esto? ; Do you do business in China? ¿Haces negocios en China? ; Does he do his office work? ¿Hace su trabajo de ...
50 ejemplos oraciones presente simple interrogativas. Las oraciones interrogativas en presente simple (simple present tense) se forman escribiendo do o does antes del sujeto o pronombre …
6 His companies depend on government-sponsored funding sources. ? 7 Practising yoga increases flexibility and strength. ? 8 His parents fly cheaply using low-priced companies. ? 9 Your new friend goes to the cinema every weekend. ? 10 First snows usually starts in November.
Use the grammatical tense: “present simple” in its affirmative, negative and interrogative forms to indicate facts and events which occur in a formally stablished time through schedules and/or …
Feb 01, 2019 · 54886. 0. English concept with person holding a smartphone. In the Simple Present the negative and interrogative sentences in English are formed using the auxiliary do or does. Negative form. The negative form of the Simple Present is obtained by adding do not or does not before the base form of the verb: Subject. Auxiliary.
Do you smoke? Existen excepciones a esta norma, es decir, verbos que no necesitan verbo auxiliar. Los ejemplos más notables son to be y los verbos modales ...
Ejemplos ; Doesn't she play the violin? ¿No toca el violin? ; Does it float? ¿Flota? ; Don't we study this subject? ¿No estudiamos este tema? ; Do you go to the ...