Present simple | LearnEnglish › present-simpleJun 08, 2022 · Present simple 1. MultipleChoice_MTYyNDA= Present simple 2. GapFillTyping_MTYyNDE= Present simple 3. GapFillTyping_MTY2MzY= Present simple 4. GapFillDragAndDrop_MTYyNTg= Present simple 5. GapFillTyping_MTYyNjE= Present simple 6. GapFillDragAndDrop_MTYyNjM= Present simple 7. GapFillTyping_MTYyNjQ= Level: intermediate. Present simple and future time
Present Simple - English Grammar | English4u › en › grammarPresent Simple - English Grammar | English4u Present Simple We use the present simple to express habits, facts, thoughts and feelings. It is also used with general statements and actions that are repeated. It is formed with the base form of the verb, except the third person singular where you have to add an "s".