Choose 4 things that you have done and 2 things you haven't done for each vacation. Then tell a short story using two sentences for each activity. Example. Hi ...
I have done (present perfect 1). I've cleaned my shoes. His shoes are dirty. He is cleaning his shoes. He has cleaned his shoes. (= his shoes are clean now).
View present perfect story 1.pdf from ENGLISH 101 at Universidad Catolica de Honduras. Present Perfect Story 1, Page 1 Present Perfect Story 1 By Really Learn English Visit the Present Perfect Study Resources
Example 1 Have you ever been on TV? Evermeans at anytime in your life until now. Example 2 He has recently gotten divorced. Recently signifies the near past – and therefore a link with the …
Hi. My name is Julia. It has snowed a lot in my town. Julia: Hi Eric. How are you? Hawe you played in the snow before? Eric: Yes, I have played in the snow many times. Eric is my friend.
Hannah, the present is perfect. We should forget the past and move on. A better future is yet to come. Our life is here now and we have to make the most of it. Everything will be alright, youll …
Present Perfect Stories Grammar Stories Int All ages In this lesson, students read three stories that use the present perfect in context. They answer comprehension questions and respond …
In this free present perfect speaking activity, students discuss how things have changed in the last ten years. First, students look at the topics on their worksheet and think about how the …
The present perfect story ... Hi. My name is Julia. It has snowed a lot in my town. Julia: Hi Eric. How are you? Hawe you played in the snow before? Eric: Yes, I ...
Live worksheets > English > English as a Second Language (ESL) > Present perfect > Present Perfect - reading comprehension. Present Perfect - reading comprehension. Students will …
4 Present Perfect Story 2, Page 4 C. This is a copy of the original story. Go over it and fill in the blanks with the right words from the box below. dog ...
Present Perfect Stories Grammar Stories Int All ages In this lesson, students read three stories that use the present perfect in context. They answer comprehension questions and respond to questions about themselves using the present perfect tense. PDF Viewer View or print PDFs and play audio Task Player Present digital tasks in class or online
Present Perfect Story 4 Exercises. A. Answer the following questions. Use the Present Perfect tense. 1. How long have Mable's grandchildren lived in London, ...
Int. Young Learners. In this lesson, students study the form and uses of the present perfect tense. Situations that combine the present perfect and simple past are also covered. Students …
Present Perfect Story 3, Page 6 B. Rewrite the following sentences as positive or negative sentences, yes/no questions, WH-questions (using the underlined word or phrase) and tag questions. 1. Roger and Melinda have owned their sailboat for 10 years.