Present continuous - British Council › grammarPresent continuous – future arrangements. We can use the present continuous to talk about future arrangements. I'm visiting my friend tomorrow. We aren't going to school today. What are you doing tonight? How to use it. Use am, is or are and ing. I'm having a party for my birthday. My brother is staying home tonight. They're going on holiday ...
Present simple and present continuous - British Council the present simple, add s or es for he, she and it. For the negative, use don't for I, you, we and they, and doesn't for he, she and it. I watch cartoons every day. I don't watch the news. My dad makes dinner every evening. He doesn't make lunch. For the present continuous, use am, is or are and ing. For the negative, use not.
Present simple and present continuous - British Council › grammarFor the present simple, add s or es for he, she and it. For the negative, use don't for I, you, we and they, and doesn't for he, she and it. I watch cartoons every day. I don't watch the news. My dad makes dinner every evening. He doesn't make lunch. For the present continuous, use am, is or are and ing. For the negative, use not.