preorder in nLab › nlab › showFeb 6, 2023 · A preordered set, or proset, is a set equipped with a preorder. (This should not be confused with a pro-set, i.e. a pro-objectin Set.) As a graph A preordered setis a loopdigraph(V,E,s:E→V,t:E→V)(V, E, s:E \to V, t:E \to V), with functions refl:V→Erefl:V \to Eand tr:{(f,g)∈E×E|t(f)=Vs(g)}→Etr:\{(f,g) \in E \times E \vert t(f) =_V s(g)\} \to E
Preorder - Wikipedia a homogeneous relation on some given set so that by definition, is some subset of and the notation is used in place of Then is called a preorder or quasiorder if it is reflexive and transitive; that is, if it satisfies: 1. Reflexivity: for all and2. Transitivity: if for all
Preorder - Wikipedia › wiki › PreorderPreorders play a pivotal role in several situations: Every preorder can be given a topology, the Alexandrov topology; and indeed, every preorder on a set is in one-to-one... Preorders may be used to define interior algebras. Preorders provide the Kripke semantics for certain types of modal logic. ...