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pre order definition

PRE-ORDER | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary › english › pre-order
pre-order meaning: 1. to order (= request to buy) a product before it has become available: 2. an act of ordering…. Learn more.
PRE-ORDER | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary › pre...
an act of ordering (= requesting to buy) a product before it has become available: The book will come out 28 August and is available for pre- ...
PRE-ORDER | Meaning & Definition for UK English |
noun. An order for a product placed before it is available for purchase. ‘pre-orders have already put the book at the top of the bestseller lists’. More example sentences. ‘Across the Atlantic, phone company O2 has had to stop taking pre-orders.’. ‘Most Hong Kong based retailers seem to be accepting pre-orders already.’.
Preorder Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster › dictionary › preorder
Definition of preorder. transitive + intransitive. : to order (something) in advance : to request to purchase (something) before it is available for sale preorder an upcoming new release You can preorder online.
Pre Order Meaning: What Does Pre Order Mean? - BlueCart
Pre Order Definition: What Is Pre Order? A pre order, or preorder, is the act of purchasing a product that has not yet been released or produced. Pre ordering is a valuable sales tool that lets you charge customers a deposit or full payment to reserve products. The best part is that you don't even have to pay to keep these products on hand.
pre order - Urban Dictionary › de...
To order and pay for something before it's intended release date to guarantee a copy for you. Most stores will reserve a copy for that person upon its ...
Pre-order - Wikipedia › wiki › Pre-o...
A pre-order is an order placed for an item that has not yet been released. The idea for pre-orders came because people found it hard to get popular items in ...
Preorder Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of PREORDER is to order (something) in advance : to request to purchase (something) before it is available for sale. How to use preorder in a sentence.
Preorder Meaning | Best 6 Definitions of Preorder › pre...
Preorder meaning ; To order (an item) prior to the official release or sale date, for later delivery. verb ; The act or an instance of preordering. noun ; A ...
Pre Order Meaning: What Does Pre Order Mean? › blog › pre-order-meaning
A pre order, or preorder, is the act of purchasing a product that has not yet been released or produced. Pre ordering is a valuable sales tool that lets you charge customers a deposit or full payment to reserve products.
What does Pre-order mean? - definitions › definition › Pre-order
A pre-order is an order placed for an item which has not yet been released. The idea for pre-orders came when people found it hard to get popular items in stores due to their popularity. Companies were then given the idea to allow people to reserve their own personal copy, before the release, which has been a huge success.
What does PRE-ORDER mean? - › definition
A pre-order is an order placed for an item which has not yet been released. The idea for pre-orders came when people found it hard to get popular items in ...
What Does Pre Order Mean? - BlueCart › blog › pre...
A pre order, or preorder, is the act of purchasing a product that has not yet been released or produced. Pre ...
PRE-ORDER | Meaning & Definition for UK English | › definition
Place an order for (an item) before it is available for purchase. 'click on the link below to pre-order the DVD'. More example sentences.
Pre-order - Wikipedia
Pre-order incentive, also known as pre-order bonus, is a marketing tactic in which a retailer or manufacturer/publisher of a product (usually a book or video game) encourages buyers to reserve a copy of the product at the store prior to its release. Reasons vary, but typically, publishers wish to ensure strong initial sales for a product, and the offered incentive is used to induce shoppers who might otherwise wait for positive reviews or a …
Preorder - definition of preorder by The Free Dictionary › preorder
Preorder - definition of preorder by The Free Dictionary. Define preorder. preorder synonyms, preorder pronunciation, preorder translation, English dictionary definition of preorder. vb to order something in advance of it being available Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers...
Preorder definition and meaning - English - Collins Dictionary › p...
Preorder definition: to order something in advance of it being available | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.