USDA APHIS | PPQ Forms › aphis › resourcesJul 26, 2022 · PPQ 429B. Yes. Fumigation Record Without Tarpaulin. 08/2018. PDF. PPQ 449-R. Yes. Temperature Recording Calibration Report (In-Transit Cold Treatment) Instructions. 09/2008. PDF. PPQ 505. Yes. Plant and Plant Product Declaration Form. 04/2020. PDF. PPQ 505B. Yes. Plant and Plant Product Declaration Supplemental Form. 04/2020. PDF. PPQ 519. Yes ...
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efile.aphis.usda.govPPQ-586Application for permit to transit plants, plant products, plant pests, and associated soil PPQ-587Application for permit to import plants or plant products. PPQ-588Application for permit to import restricted plants or plant products for experimental purposes.