Royal Mail Parcel Sizes Guide 2022 - Package & Letter Sizes › royal-mail-parcel-sizesLarge Parcels. Royal Mail large parcels are classed as bigger than 610mm x 460mm x 460mm in size or weigh in at more than 20KG. Our double walled large boxes are ideal for transporting heavier goods being both sturdy and durable. What is the Biggest Size Parcel the Post Office Will Take? The biggest parcel the Royal Mail Post Office will take is one not larger than 2.5m length and 5m length and girth combined that weighs 30kg or less. Large parcels are sent via ParcelForce Worldwide. Custom ...
Minimum and Maximum Sizes | Postal Explorer - USPS › BusinessMail101Maximum Size The maximum size for most mailpieces is 108 inches in combined length and girth. USPS Retail Ground pieces may measure up to 130 inches in combined length and girth (but will be charged oversized prices). Regardless of the size of the mailpiece, the maximum mailable weight of any mailpiece is 70 pounds.
Sizes for Parcels | Postal Explorer - USPS › businessmail101No more than 27 inches long x 17 inches width x 17 inches high. No more than 25 pounds (35 pounds for Parcel Select and Parcel Return Service, except books and other printed matter which cannot exceed 25 pounds). More about Physical Standards for Commercial Parcels More about Commercial Parcels - Parcel Select