Spanish Possessive Adjectives | SpanishDict
In Spanish, possessive adjectives are normally not used when talking about body parts. They're also often not used when talking about abstract concepts or something that it is obvious that only the speaker could possess. Instead, you'll see a definite article used in Spanish, though in English translations a possessive adjective may be used.
Possessive Pronouns in Spanish | SpanishDict › guide › possessive-pronouns-inA Spanish possessive pronoun ( pronombre posesivo ), such as mío or suyo, is used in place of a noun and a possessive adjective. Each Spanish possessive pronoun has four forms that must agree in gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural) with the noun in the phrase they replace. These pronouns are the same as the long forms of possessive adjectives, but are almost always used with the definite article.