Possessive Apostrophe Year 4 | Primary Resources
Teaching the Possessive Apostrophe in Year 4 Tailored to the 2014 national curriculum and designed by experienced teachers, these resources can help you to teach the possessive apostrophe to your year 4 pupils.
Possessive Apostrophes (Year 4) | CGP Plus
www.cgpplus.co.uk › primary › ks2Possessive Apostrophes (Year 4) Put children’s knowledge of possessive apostrophes to the test with this worksheet. Can they work out whether they need to add singular possessive apostrophes or plural possessive apostrophes to the sentences provided? Children are then challenged to write their own sentences. Answers are provided so children ...
Year 4 Possessive Apostrophes: Video Lesson 3 - Twinkl
www.twinkl.com › resource › year-4-possessiveIn this lesson Ashley teaches Year 4 children about possessive apostrophes and covers the subject in the following detail:What are possessive apostrophes and how to use them. Engage with the lesson starter, definitions of rules and on-screen questions which can be completed as video lesson plays.This the third and final lesson in this series which recaps knowledge and rounds off the lessons.Children gain experience using the possessive apostrophe in their own writing.Engage with our correct ...