California Resident Population and Apportionment of the U.S. ... › pdf › californiapops2000. 33,871,648. 53. 1990. 29,760,021. 52. 1980. 23,667,764. 45. 1970. 19,971,069. 43. 1960. 15,717,204. 38. 1950. 10,586,223. 30. 1940. 6,907,387. 23. 1930.
California Population 1900-2021 | MacroTrends › states › californiaThe population of California in 2021 was 39,237,836, a 0.66% decline from 2020. The population of California in 2020 was 39,499,738, a 0.16% increase from 2019. The population of California in 2019 was 39,437,610, a 0% increase from 2018. The population of California in 2018 was 39,437,463, a 0.25% increase from 2017.
2000 Cal Facts California's Demographics › 2000 › calfactsChanges in Populations--1995 Through 2000. Over the past five years, California's population grew by 2.4 million. Although less-dense inland counties tend to be growing the most in percentage terms, the larger, more urbanized counties are adding the most people. For example, Los Angeles, Orange, and San Diego Counties accounted for 43 percent of statewide growth since 1995.