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population de mexico 2020

Population, total - Mexico - World Bank Data › indicator › SP.POP.TOTL
Congo, Rep. 2021. 5,835.81. Costa Rica. 2021. 5,153.96. Cote d'Ivoire. 2021. 27,478.25.
Population of Mexico 1800-2020 | Statista…
Population of Mexico 1800-2020 Published by Aaron O'Neill , Jun 21, 2022 In 1800, the present-day region of Mexico had a population of just over six million people. Mexico gained its...
Population › temas
Los indicadores que aquí se presentan dan cuenta de la estructura poblacional por edad y ... Population by age and gender. Percentage. 2020.
Mexico Population 1950-2023 | MacroTrends
Mexico - Historical Population Data Year Population Growth Rate; 2023: 128,455,567: 0.75%: 2022: 127,504,125: 0.63%: 2021: 126,705,138: 0.56%: 2020: …
Mexico Population (2023) - Worldometer › world-population › mexico
Mexico 2020 population is estimated at 128,932,753 people at mid year according to UN data. Mexico population is equivalent to 1.65% of the total world population. Mexico ranks number 10 in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population. The population density in Mexico is 66 per Km 2 (172 people per mi 2 ).
World Population Dashboard -Mexico | United Nations ... › data › worl...
Total population in millions, 2022: 131.6. Average annual rate of population change, per cent, 2020-2025: 1. Population aged 0-14, per cent, 2022:.
Mexico - The World Factbook…
improved: urban: 100% of population rural: 98.3% of population total: 99.7% of population unimproved: urban: 0% of population rural: 1.7% of population total: 0.3% of population (2020 …
Census of Population and Housing 2020
The Census of Population and Housing 2020 (Census of 2020) was carried out from March 2nd to the 27th. A little more than 147 thousand interviewers …
Mexico - total population 2017-2027 - Statista › statistics
In 2020, Mexico's total population amounted to about 127.79 million people. ... The total population of Mexico was expected to reach 116.02 ...
Población - INEGI
VerkkoLos indicadores que aquí se presentan dan cuenta de la estructura ... (EIC) 2015, which makes it possible its comparison with the census series. In addition to the population …
Mexico Demographics 2020 (Population, Age, Sex, Trends ... › demographics › mexico
POPULATION; 1: Mexico City: 12,294,193: 2: Iztapalapa: 1,815,786: 3: Ecatepec de Morelos: 1,655,015: 4: Guadalajara: 1,495,182: 5: Puebla: 1,434,062: 6: Juarez: 1,321,004: 7: Tijuana: 1,300,983: 8: Leon de los Aldama: 1,238,962: 9: Gustavo Adolfo Madero: 1,185,772: 10: Zapopan: 1,142,483: 11: Monterrey: 1,135,512: 12: Ciudad Nezahualcoyotl ...
Population of Mexico 2020 -
VerkkoRural population growth (annual %) School enrollment, secondary (% gross) School enrollment, secondary, male (% net) Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births) Smoking prevalence, females (% of adults) Smoking prevalence, males (% of …
Mexico Population (2023) - Worldometer › me...
Mexico 2020 population is estimated at 128,932,753 people at mid year according to UN data. Mexico population is equivalent to 1.65% of the total world ...
Mexico - OECD Data
Verkko2020 Mexico % of pre-retirement earnings: Men % of pre-retirement earnings 2014-2020 Mexico (red), OECD - Total (black) Men % of pre-retirement earnings 2020 Mexico …
Demographics of Mexico - Wikipedia › wiki › De...
With a population of about 129 million in 2022, Mexico is the 10th most populated country in the world. It is the largest Spanish-speaking country in the ...
Mexico Population (2023) - Worldometer
The current population of Mexico is 128,547,247 as of Sunday, August 6, 2023, based on Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data 1. Mexico …
Mexico - Population Clock: World › popclock
Mexico. Demographic data as of July 1, 2023, economic data for 2022 (source) ... 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 $0 $50.0B $100.0B $150.0B ...
Population, total - Mexico | Data - World Bank Data
Verkko( 1 ) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects: 2022 Revision. ( 2 ) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, ( 3 …
Mexico Population 2023 (Live) › ...
Population forecasts expect the population will reach 134 million by 2020, and 148 million by 2030. Population Rank. 10. Growth Rate. 0.71% ...
Census of Population and Housing 2020 - INEGI › programas › ccpv
Jan 25, 2021 · Population Total population Sociodemographic indicators 126,014,024 Número de personas 2020 Mex. CDMX Jal. Ver. Pue. Gto. NL Chis. Mich. Oax. BC Chih. Gro. Tamps. Coah. Hgo. Sin. Son. SLP Tab. Qro. Yuc. Mor. Q. Roo Dgo. Zac. Ags. Tlax. Nay. Camp. BCS Col. 0 5,000,000 10,000,000 15,000,000 20,000,000 Source:
Demographics of Mexico - Wikipedia
The Mexican population is predominantly Catholic (78% of the population aged five and older, according to the 2020 census), although the percentage representing those who attend church on a weekly basis is lower (46%). About 7.6% of the population was classified as Protestant or Evangelical, 2.5% were classified as "Non-Evangelical Biblical" (a classification that groups Adventists,
Mexico - The World Factbook - CIA › the-world-factbook › countries
Apr 11, 2023 · most of the population is found in the middle of the country between the states of Jalisco and Veracruz; approximately a quarter of the population lives in and around Mexico City Urbanization urban population: 81.6% of total population (2023) rate of urbanization: 1.4% annual rate of change (2020-25 est.)
Population, total - Mexico | Data - World Bank › indicator › SP
Population, total Mexico Population, total - Mexico ( 1 ) United Nations Population Division. World Population Prospects: 2022 Revision. ( 2 ) Census reports and other statistical publications from national statistical offices, ( 3 ) Eurostat: Demographic Statistics, ( 4 ) United Nations Statistical Division.