Polícia Judiciária - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polícia_JudiciáriaThe Polícia Judiciária (PJ; English: Judiciary Police) is the national criminal investigation police agency of Portugal, focused in fighting serious crimes, including homicides, kidnapping, organized crime, terrorism, illegal drug trade, corruption, cybercrime and financial crime. It is integrated into the Ministry … Näytä lisää
Polícia Judiciária - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Polícia_JudiciáriaThe Polícia Judiciária ( PJ; English: Judiciary Police) is the national criminal investigation police agency of Portugal, focused in fighting serious crimes, including homicides, kidnapping, organized crime, terrorism, illegal drug trade, corruption, cybercrime and financial crime. It is integrated into the Ministry of Justice, but operates ...
Judicial police - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judicial_policeThe judicial police, judiciary police, or justice police are (depending on both country and legal system) either a branch, separate police agency or type of duty performed by law enforcement structures in a country. The term judiciary police is mostly a functional title, a role which is assumed by elements of the larger police force who act under direct guidance of the prosecutor. They exist primarily to provide evidence to the prosecutor. They can arrest and interrogate susp…
Policia Judicial – Curso para Polícia Judicial
www.policiajudicial.com.br › siteOBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS. I – Fomentar, desenvolver, aprimorar e disseminar ações de pesquisa e de produção científica voltadas às ciências policiais; II – Desenvolver ações de formação e aperfeiçoamento dos profissionais vinculados à segurança pública e privada; III – Desenvolver ações acadêmicas de natureza policial e de ...