Plural Nouns. Many singular nouns can be made plural by simply adding s. examples: astronaut - astronauts rocket - rockets. Write the plural of each noun ...
PDF worksheets with answers: Exercises to download for free. Singular and plural nouns PDF exercise 1. Practise regular and irregular plural forms: roof - roofs ...
Most plural nouns are formed by adding -s or -es to the singular form. Singular nouns name one person, place, or thing. Plural nouns name more than one. Study ...
Plural Nouns A) Change each of the singular nouns below into plural nouns. 1. Book: 2. Table: 3. Day: 4. Car: B) Change each of the singular ...
Rewrite the following sentences using the plural forms of the nouns and making appropriate changes to the other words. 1. There is a picture on the wall. ………………