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plural apostrophe examples

Apostrophes with Singular and Plural Nouns…
30.12.2019 · These possessives get an apostrophe and an “s”: Kansas’s Dress’s Marquis’s Jackass’s Chris’s. Plurals Not Ending in “S” These possessives get an apostrophe and an “s”: Sheep’s Children’s Fish’s People’s Feet’s. Abbreviations …
How to Use Apostrophes in Plural Nouns for Correct Spelling › use-plural-nouns-correct
May 10, 2019 · The boys' caps blew off in the wind. The word boys is all ready plural so add an apostrophe after the letter s to make the plural noun (boys) possessive. You can also add an apostrophe and another letter s to make boys's. Another example: We are always losing our TVs' remote controls in the couch and under the bed.
Apostrophes: Use and Examples - Grammar Monster › using_apostrophes
Using Apostrophes Apostrophes have four uses: (1) To show possession. a dog's kennel our boys' bedroom (2) To write time expressions. a day's pay two weeks' holiday (3) To replace letters in contractions. can't isn't (4) To show awkward plurals. There are three big if's. Hawaii has two i's. Apostrophes are not used: (1) To show normal plurals.
Apostrophes for Plurals of Abbreviations and Awkward Plurals › lessons › apostrophes_show
Here are some acceptable examples featuring apostrophes for plurals. You use too many and's in your writing. (The apostrophe assists the reader in this example.) There are two consecutive i's in the words skiing and taxiing. (The apostrophe assists the reader in this example.) Apostrophes in Plurals for Uppercase-Only Titles
17 Possessive apostrophes (plurals) - › 17-possessive-apostrophe-plurals
(1) Try these exercises, putting in the apostrophe where it should go (they are all plurals): The teachers staffroom was often full of people. The horses horseshoes hung on the blacksmith’s walls. All the footballers boots were set out in the changing room. The houses gardens were small. All the teacher’s classes books had been marked. Answers:
Plural Possessives - Scribendi › advice
Plural possessives indicate when there is more than one of a noun and show ownership of something. The possessive of most plural nouns is formed by adding an ...
How to Use Apostrophes | Plural vs Possessive Sentence ……
28.5.2014 · The following list includes some examples of using apostrophes, both for singular and plural words, to show possession in sentences: "Mary's dog enjoyed running at the park."
Apostrophe - The Punctuation Guide › ...
The general rule is that the possessive of a singular noun is formed by adding an apostrophe and s, whether the singular noun ends in s or not. Examples.
How to Use Apostrophes in Plural Nouns for Correct ……
10.5.2019 · You can also add an apostrophe and another letter s to make boys's. Another example: We are always losing our TVs' remote controls in the couch and under the bed. To break it down: We have two TVs (TVs is a plural noun) and …
Apostrophe in Plural Forms | Editor’s Manual › articles › apostrophes-in-plurals
Apr 13, 2020 · Always use an apostrophe to form the plurals of lowercase letters. Examples There are two i ’s in miniature . Without the apostrophe (“There are two is in miniature “), this sentence would be confusing. The only variables accounted for are the x ’s and y ’s. What about the z ’s? It’ll be painful to be on my p’s and q’s for a whole week.
When to Use an Apostrophe | Punctuation Rules
When using a plural noun, the apostrophe goes after the s. For example: “The squirrels’ nuts were hidden in several hollow trees throughout the forest.” When using a word that is pluralized …
The apostrophe has three uses: 1) to form possessive nouns › pdf › tip-sheets › apostrophe
form possessive ​pronouns ​(i.e. ​his​/​her ​computer) or ​noun ​plurals that are not possessives. ... Example: the newspaper's column = the.
Examples of Plural Possessive Nouns - YourDictionary › ...
Examples of Plural Possessive Nouns ; Airplanes' wings; Alarms' ringing; Ankles' bones ; Bacteria's invasion; Cacti's protection; Children's toys ; Brides-maids' ...
Apostrophe Rules–A Quick Guide | Grammarly › blog › apostrophe
Sep 23, 2022 · For most plural nouns, add only an apostrophe: The dogs’ leashes (multiple dogs) The writers’ desks (multiple writers) The planets’ atmospheres (multiple planets) For plural nouns that do not end in s, add apostrophe+s: The children’s toys The geese’s migration route
Apostrophe Rules - The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation › apo...
For example, since most people saying "Mr. Hastings' pen" would not pronounce an added s, we would write Mr. Hastings' pen with no added s. But most people ...
Apostrophes in Names - Grammar Monster…
Apostrophes and the Plurals of Names Do not use an apostrophe to form the plural of a name. For example: The Smith's are in town. The Smiths are in town. Did you visit the Ford's yesterday? Did you visit the Fords yesterday? The …
How to Use Apostrophes | Plural vs Possessive ... - › academy › lesson
An apostrophe and "s" is added to the end of a plural possessive, or just an apostrophe if the plural ends with an "s." For example, if there ...
Apostrophes: Use and Examples - Grammar Monster…
That word can be singular or plural. It makes no difference whatsoever to where the apostrophe goes. For example: One dog's dinner ; One dog's dinners ; Two dogs' dinner ; Two dogs' dinners ; The apostrophe-placement ruling seems …
How to Use Apostrophes | Plural vs Possessive Sentence ... › academy › lesson
Sep 02, 2021 · A plural possessive is when a plural noun owns something. An apostrophe and "s" is added to the end of a plural possessive, or just an apostrophe if the plural ends with an "s." For...
Examples of Plural Possessive Nouns - YourDictionary…
With compound words, if the plural form ends with "s," add only an apostrophe. Examples are: Brides-maids' gowns; Couch potatoes' snacks; Cupfuls' number; Fact sheets' predictions; Half-brothers' excitement; Hang-ups' attitudes; Know …
Apostrophes | Definition, Guide, Rules & Examples - Scribbr
31.5.2019 · Sometimes one or more letters are omitted to shorten a word or term. An apostrophe is used to indicate missing letters. Example. It is → it’s; I am → I’m; She is → She’s; Would not …
Apostrophe in Plural Forms | Editor’s Manual
Avoid using an apostrophe before the s in a plural, unless necessary to avoid confusion. There are two i ’s in iridescent . The plural “ i ’s” would read as the word “is” without the apostrophe. There are two a ’s in abacus. Most plurals don’t require an apostrophe. Näytä lisää
17 Possessive apostrophes (plurals)
🎯 📝 (1) Try these exercises, putting in the apostrophe where it should go (they are all plurals): The teachers staffroom was often full of people. The horses horseshoes hung on the blacksmith’s …
Apostrophes: Use and Examples - Grammar Monster › ...
Apostrophes are used to show possession (e.g., dog's dinner), in time expressions (e.g., 2 years' pay), in contractions (e.g., isn't) and, on rare occasions ...
Apostrophes | Definition, Guide, Rules & Examples - Scribbr › apostrophes
Possessive apostrophes with plural nouns ... Most plural nouns already end in s. In this case, to indicate possession, add only an apostrophe to ...