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pleasure to speak with you

It was a pleasure to speak with you | English examples in context › It+was+a+pleasure+to+speak+with...
It was my great pleasure to speak with its writer-director Richard LaGravenese (and, supplementing, his brilliant cast) about life, cinema, writing and this ...
10 Better Ways to Say "It Was a Pleasure Speaking With You" › it-was-a-pleasure-speaking-with-you
It Was A Pleasure Talking To You “It was a pleasure talking to you” is a simple alternative that works well. You can use “speaking” and “talking” synonymously, and this phrase works well when you want to show that you’ve had an enjoyable time with someone in a formal situation. Using “a pleasure” here is great in formal situations.
grammar - ...was a pleasure speaking to you or to speak to ... › questions › 195132
Feb 01, 2019 · "meeting you/to meet you" can be used interchangeably, but in polite usage, you would want to avoid "speaking to you" in favor of "speaking with you". "Speaking to you" implies a power imbalance, that the conversation was one-sided. Share Improve this answer answered Feb 2, 2019 at 17:58 sdavenport 99 3 Add a comment 0 They are basically the same.
...was a pleasure speaking to you or to speak to you?
1.2.2019 · Wanting different words to mean different things, I would use "pleasure to meet you" for a handshake and "pleasure meeting you" for a first conversation. The gerund choice hints …
grammar - ...was a pleasure speaking to you or to speak to you? › was-a-...
"meeting you/to meet you" can be used interchangeably, but in polite usage, you would want to avoid "speaking to you" in favor of "speaking ...
pleasure to speak with you | English examples in context | Ludwig › s › pleasure+to+speak+with+you
High quality example sentences with “pleasure to speak with you” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English
When someone says "It was a pleasure to speak with you" to you, …
When someone says "It was a pleasure to speak with you" to you, how do you respond to this? See a translation Report copyright ... Do you know how to improve your language skills All you …
it was a pleasure talking to you or it was a pleasure speaking ... › it-was-a-pleasu...
Both of these phrases are correct. The phrase "speaking with" implies more of a mutual conversation than "talking to," which denotes more of a sense of ...
14 Other Ways to Say "It was a pleasure speaking with you" › linguablog
The expression “It was a pleasure speaking with you” generally has a formal connotation. This means that it is also suitable in formalistic ...
10 Better Ways to Say "It Was a Pleasure Speaking With You" › it-was-a-pl...
It Was A Pleasure Talking To You · It Was Nice Talking To You · It Was Great Meeting You · It Was Lovely To See You · It Was Good To Talk To You · I Thoroughly ...
54 Ways To Say "It Was a Pleasure Working With You"
29.9.2021 · 6 ways to say "it was a pleasure working with you" when speaking at an event. While the purpose of each conference or event may differ, many companies hold or attend events. …
It Was a Pleasure Speaking With You & Talking To You › blog
“It was a pleasure speaking with you” means that I enjoyed engaging in a two-way conversation with you. The conversation was enjoyable and it ...
pleasure to speak with you - German translation – Linguee
Many translated example sentences containing "pleasure to speak with you" – German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations.
14 Other Ways to Say “It was a pleasure speaking with you”
18.5.2022 · A: Thank you so much for coming today, Finn. It was a pleasure speaking with you. B: I had a great time too, Ash. Thank you for setting this meeting up. To digress a bit to sentence …
14 Other Ways to Say "It was a pleasure speaking with you" › it-was-a-pleasure-talking-to-you
May 18, 2022 · One of the things we say is “It was a pleasure speaking with you.” This expression is used as a goodbye message to a person or group of people after spending time with them. However, we sometimes feel like saying “It was a pleasure speaking with you” again and again could be a bit mechanical and dry.
It was a pleasure speaking with you over the phone the other ... › files › talepler › uib_distalepler
It was a pleasure speaking with you over the phone the other day. Per our conversation I wanted to send you a short briefing of what our company is all ...
What is the difference in saying 'It was a pleasure speaking to ... › What-is-the-difference-in-sayin...
“It's always a pleasure talking with you” means both of you talk. “It's always a pleasure listening to you” means the other person does all of the talking. But ...
It Was a Pleasure Speaking With You & Talking To You
18.7.2021 · It Was a Pleasure Talking To You. “It was a pleasure talking to you” is a perfectly acceptable alternative for “it was a pleasure speaking with you.”. The nuance in meaning is so …
Is it okay to write 'it was a pleasure speaking to you today …
Answer (1 of 8): Trite, canned expression. Try, “Thank you for the time you spent speaking with me today.” After speaking with someone by telephone about a position you are seeking, there …
It Was a Pleasure Speaking With You & Talking To You › blog › it-was-a-pleasure
Jul 18, 2021 · “It was a pleasure speaking with you” and “it was a pleasure talking to you” are two polite phrases that you may hear native English speakers say at the end of a conversation. In English, there are many ways to politely end a conversation. These two phrases are just two examples of friendly and polite ways to close and wrap up a conversation.
10 Better Ways to Say "It Was a Pleasure Speaking With …
If you’ve just finished speaking to someone in a formal setting, you might want to say something positive when saying goodbye. Something like “it was a pleasure speaking with you” works …
pleasure to speak with you | English examples in context | Ludwig
High quality example sentences with “pleasure to speak with you” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English. You are offline. …
THANK YOU NOTE TEMPLATES › uploads › documents › Tha...
Subject: Thank You _ Your Name Phone / Skype Interview. Dear Ms. Schroeder: It was a pleasure speaking with you today regarding the. (position).