German Online Placement Test A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 › en › german-onlineGerman Online Placement Test A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 German – Online placement test levels A1 to B2 You already have some German language knowledge and would like to deepen it? Well, why not use our free online placement test then? For you to enter intensive classes or group courses we need to establish your exact German language level.
German Online Placement Test A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 Online Placement Test A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 German – Online placement test levels A1 to B2 You already have some German language knowledge and would like to …
German Level Test | Online Placement Test | Berlitz › german-level-testTest your German online today! Whether you want to learn German for work, study, travel or general interest, our online German Placement Test will help you understand your current in-language ability and match you with learning options suited to your proficiency level. Completely free of charge, our German test will provide you with two scores, your Berlitz Language Level, and where you sit on the global CEFR scale.
German Placement Test A1 to C2 - Test your German online for free › en › germanIf you do not live in Vienna or you have little time at the moment, you are free to take our online placement test in German, which is available for you free of charge. Our placement tests are available for several levels. Ideally, you would start from the first level and work your way up to the higher level. For more clarification on your exam results, feel free to contact us via telephone or email and we would recommend you the most suitable course.
Online Placement Test | did deutsch-institut › en › german-placement-testEuropean Standard Placement Test - German This test takes approximately 15 minutes and includes listening comprehension, reading comprehension, grammar and vocabulary tasks. You will receive an initial assessment of your language knowledge and ability. The free online placement test will help you decide which German course to register for.