Home - Climate Pledge Arena
climatepledgearena.comClimate Pledge Arena will be the first net zero certified arena in the world, and will serve as a long-lasting and regular reminder of the urgent need for climate action. Home to the NHL's Seattle Kraken, WNBA's Seattle Storm, and the world's biggest performers of live music and events, Climate Pledge Arena will open in 2021.
Seattle Kraken
www.seattlekrakenhockey.comThe largest octopus on planet Earth lives right here in Puget Sound. The Giant Pacific Octopus lurks in the deep around Seattle. According to Tacoma legend, they inhabit the ruins of collapsed bridge "Galloping Gertie" with the infamous "King Octopus." National Geographic notes the biggest on record at 30 ft wide and over 600 lbs.
www.arenawashington.comKeyArena Tickets . KeyArena has the following events taking place at the following dates and times. To sort the list, click on the column header.