23.2.2021 · Below we have a list of four picture-oriented ESL activities that aren’t only fun but will also help your students learn better and faster! ESL Activity #1: Write Your …
15.5.2019 · No-Prep ESL Picture Description: A Quick Tip I often use various picture prompts for discussions, simple photo descriptions, storytelling, short warm-ups, fillers. I used these two …
Nov 09, 2017 · The picture prompts for speaking and writing in this activity are unusual, imaginative and I hope they will spark some entertaining stories. I recommend to use it with students 16+, it best works with young adults. It could be used with stronger Intermediate students, Upper Intermediate and Advanced. As a variation, you can use it as writing ...
19.4.2020 · Students will look at the pictures and answer the open-ended questions with their own words. They will try to focus on the photo and try to write the correct answer. It is fun and …
9.11.2017 · Picture Prompts for Speaking and Writing: An ESL Activity November 9, 2017 Picture description activities can be rather boring after some time and it occurred to me that …
11 debate and discussion brainstorming and speaking activities 15 personality and vocabulary speaking activities 5 Complaints and annoyances speaking activities Food and restaurant …
Apr 19, 2020 · Students will look at the pictures and answer the open-ended questions with their own words. They will try to focus on the photo and try to write the correct answer. It is fun and useful. - ESL worksheets
2.2.2018 · Instructions 1. Use this material after a lesson on photography, global issues, human rights, etc. 2. Hand out the Student’s Sheets and explain the Ss that they will see 10 iconic …
10 ESL Activities Using Pictures · 1. Help Me Draw Something Pretty · 2. What Do You Remember? · 3. Draw What I Say · 4. Picture Story · 5. 20 Questions · 6. Let's ...
This is an activity you can adapt depending on the skills or level of your students. The first step would be to describe both pictures se... 9,801 Downloads FCE Speaking Practice 4 By …
5.1.2021 · ESL Exam Speaking Picture Description and Questions January 5, 2021 This ESL exam speaking task based on picture description and questions will help students prepare for a …
Feb 23, 2021 · Below we have a list of four picture-oriented ESL activities that aren’t only fun but will also help your students learn better and faster! ESL Activity #1: Write Your Dialogues/Captions For this ESL activity, you can use a collection of old pictures or source any pictures from the internet, magazines, or newspaper.
Picture Profiles is a simple speaking activity that is a great way to practice describing people's physical appearance and personality. In this activity ...
3.2.2021 · They don’t need much preparation, but will get your students talking and help them to hone their conversational skills without even thinking about it. Table Of Contents 1. Interview …
Students will look at the pictures and answer the open-ended questions with their own words. They will try to focus on the photo and try to write the correct ...
Jan 05, 2021 · January 5, 2021. This ESL exam speaking task based on picture description and questions will help students prepare for a number of international exams, as well as local school leaving examinations – e.g. Matura. In many English exams including FCE students will have to talk about/describe pictures. The format varies, the examination paper can ...
12.2.2019 · In the Describing Pictures ESL activity, students practise describing a picture first as a class, then individually. 1+ 20-40+ mins Projector (Optional); Magazines, Scissors and …
At this point you might also want to check out: How To Make My Students Speak English, here. Picture That Story. Another easy way to use images. Select ten images and tell the students a story using all of the pictures.