Phonology - University of Delaware › slides › PhonologyhandoutnotesPhonology vs. Phonetics Distribution of Sounds Distinctive Features What Is Phonology? Definition the study of the sound systems of languages and the mental representation of sounds sound system = inventory of sounds + rules + constraints Darrell Larsen Phonology Understanding Phonology Doing Phonology Summary Basics Phonology vs. Phonetics
Linguistics 101 Phonology - University of Delaware › ~dlarsen › ling203Sep 10, 2010 · Phonology •Phonology is largely concerned with the contrastive sounds of a language. •Using the letter analogy again: and <c> are contrastive, because bat and cat are minimally different and have different meanings. <a> and <A> are not contrastive, because ant and Ant are minimally different but have the same meaning.