Table of the Phoenician Alphabet (passed via Etruscans to Roman Alphabet) Sign: Names in Phoenician, Arabic & Hebrew: Meaning: Phone: Latin: History: Aleph: Ox: A laryngeal consonent: A: Around 1700 B.C. this letter was used to represent alryngeal consonant ('), or glotal stop.
Phoenician alphabet and language - Omniglot Phoenician alphabet was perhaps the first alphabetic script to be widely-used - the Phoenicians traded around the Mediterraean and beyond, and set up cities and colonies in parts of southern Europe and North Africa - and the origins of most alphabetic writing systems can be traced back to the Phoenician alphabet, including Greek, Etruscan, Latin, Arabic and Hebrew, as …
Phoenician alphabet - Wikipedia › wiki › Phoenician_alphabetThe Phoenician alphabet is an alphabet (more specifically, an abjad) known in modern times from the Canaanite and Aramaic inscriptions found across the Mediterranean region. The name comes from the Phoenician civilization . The Phoenician alphabet is also called the Early Linear script (in a Semitic context, not connected to Minoan writing ...
Table of the Phoenician Alphabet of Phoenician characters are easily and equally understood by speakers of Arabic, Hebrew, Aramaic and Syriac. See meanings of characters in chart. Table of the Phoenician Alphabet Names of Characters, Phonetics, Derivatives and Modern Equivalents. Phoenician: Latin (passed via Etruscans to Roman Alphabet) Sign: