Team MayerVirtanen
teammayervirtanen.fiHeart and soul of our team Alina Mayer-Virtanen is Master of science in psychology. She was skating by herself for 24 years and represented Germany. The last few years of her skating career she skated at the international level in single skating. Alina is coaching single skating since 2013 in Oberstdorf, Germany and in Finland since 2017 as well.
Peurungan Jäähalli
www.peurunganjaahalli.fiPeurungan kesäjäät nyt myynnissä. 4.1.2023. Työhyvinvointiin liittyvät maksuvälineet 1.1.2023 alkaen. 1.1.2023. Peurungan jäähalli on jatkossa Vepe Center Peurunka. 28.10.2022. Lisää uutisia.
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