Part 1. An English-speaking friend called Peter has sent you a watch as a gift. Write a card to Peter. In your card you should: thank him for the watch. ask him where he got it. tell him when you plan to wear it. Write 35-45 words on your answer sheet.
Answer the question (Content) – You wouldn't believe how many people don't include all the necessary content in their answers. Part 1 is very controlled and has ...
Access Cambridge PET writing sample test 2 here to help you prepare and succeed in the Cambridge PET Exam. Curated by experts at Greenwich English College. English Courses. ...
Free Practice Tests for learners of English. Difficulty: B1, intermediate. In the writing section of the Preliminary English test there are two parts. In part 2 you have to write an article or a story.. …
Writing Part 2: Sample Task. In this part you have to answer a task by writing a short message to a friend or relative. The message must be 35–45 words and has to answer a specific set of ...
The writing section of the Cambridge PET exam can be one of the more difficult parts, especially if you haven’t done any practice papers or haven’t completed a full B1 Intermediate course. You …
Top tips for Preliminary (PET) writing. These tips will help you maximise opportunity for points in the Cambridge writing criteria. Each writing is given a mark out of 5 in Content, Communicative …
Pet writing part 2 sample answers ... Instructions for Writing B1 Preliminary Part 2: Story In this part of the test, you are given some instructions to ...
B1 Writing Part 2: Sample Task. In this part you have to answer a task by writing a short message to a friend or relative. The message must be 35-45 words ...
View PET-WRITING-PART-2.docx from ENGLISH 123 at Ton Duc Thang University. PET WRITING PART 2 – ARTICLES PRACTICE. Study Resources. Main Menu; by School;
Take key words from the question; keep your sentences simple and reread your answer to eliminate silly mistakes. EXAMPLE QUESTION, PLAN and MODEL ANSWER ...
16.11.2019 · B1 Writing Part 2: Sample Task. In this part you have to answer a task by writing a short message to a friend or relative. The message must be 35-45 words and has to answer a …
should see an example. Sample Story for B1 Writing Let’s take a look at the following example of a Preliminary (PET) Writing Part 2 task, where we can see an answer to the sample task we …
Free Practice Tests for learners of English. Difficulty: B1, intermediate. In the writing section of the Preliminary English test there are two parts. In part 2 you have to write an article or a story.. In this practice test you are going to write an article.
B1 Writing Part 2: Sample Task. In this part you have to answer a task by writing a short message to a friend or relative. The message must be 35-45 words and has to answer a specific set of writing prompts. Here’s an example: Source: Cambridge English sample tests. As you can see in the task above, you are given: a situation: Your friend ...
Introduction. In the PET exam you always have to write an email, but you can choose if you want to write an article or a story. In an article task you get the topic from a website or magazine and …
Write 35 - 45 words on your answer sheet. Writing Part 3 is worth 15% of your total PET mark. This is a lot! You have 20 - 25 minutes to complete Part 3. You have a choice between a letter …
Top tips for Preliminary (PET) writing. These tips will help you maximise opportunity for points in the Cambridge writing criteria. Each writing is given a mark out of 5 in Content, Communicative Achievement, Organisation and Language. Answer the question (Content) – You wouldn’t believe how many people don’t include all the necessary ...
Write an article answering these questions and we will put it on our website! Type in words from the text and click on 'Guess' or press ENTER. (Score +1 per ...
Now that we know the different parts of a story, we should see an example. Sample Story for B1 Writing. Let’s take a look at the following example of a Preliminary (PET) Writing Part 2 task, …