PET Speaking.pdf - Google Accounts › viewerPET Practice Test PAPER 3 • Speaking Part 2 (2–3 minutes) The examiner describes a situation to the candidates and gives them a card (page 2) with ideas for how the candidates should complete the task together. The candidates must be able to complete the task without the help of the examiner, who will only intervene if necessary. Examiner:
PET Speaking Part 2 - [PDF Document] › pet-speaking-part-2Oct 24, 2014 · Time required: Materials required: 60 minutes Aims: Sample task Students worksheets 1 and 2 Students worksheet 2 Exercise 1 cut up into strips OHT of assessment criteria Audio or video recording of Part 2 of the Speaking test (e.g. the PET Speaking test video pack, available from Cambridge ESOL) transcript to introduce and practise Part 2 of ...
Preliminary English Test Speaking Test Part 1 (2-3 minutes)
Speaking Test (City visit) Part 2 (2-3 minutes) Examiner Say to both candidates: I’m going to describe a situation to you. A young man is going to visit a city for the weekend, but he doesn’t enjoy sightseeing. Talk together abo ut the different things he could do in the city and say which would be most fun for him.