Basic-Fit - Personal Training Intro › en-nl › pt-introA 1-on-1 Personal Trainer Intro of 60 minutes offered for 25 euros. Do you like it so much that you want to train more often with a Personal Trainer? Afterwards you can make a new appointment with the Personal Trainer with whom you did the intro or you can make an appointment through our website. Are you already a member of Basic-Fit and would ...
Basic-Fit - Personal Training Intro › en-be › pricesA 1-on-1 Personal Trainer Intro of 60 minutes will only cost 25,00 euros! Do you like it so much that you want to train more often with a Personal Trainer? Afterwards you can make a new appointment with the Personal Trainer with whom you did the intro or you can make an appointment through our website. Are you already a member of Basic-Fit and ...
Personal trainer - Basic-Fit NL-NL Trainer & Personal Trainer Binnen Basic-Fit willen wij al onze leden de mogelijkheid bieden om optimaal te kunnen sporten in onze clubs. En daar hoort persoonlijke begeleiding natuurlijk ook bij! Wij werken daarom samen met zowel Head Trainers als Personal Trainers en zoeken altijd nieuwe enthousiaste trainers. Interesse in wat onze trainers doen? Lees […]
Personal trainer - Basic-Fit FR-BE Trainer & Personal Trainer Chez Basic-Fit, nos membres ont accès à des Head Trainers et à des Personal Trainers pour leur offrir la possibilité de recevoir un accompagnement personnalisé. Head Trainer En tant que Head Trainer, vous pouvez utiliser notre infrastructure pour développer votre propre business. Vous êtes libre d’organiser toutes les tâches essentielles […]
Basic-Fit - Fitness support › en-nl › fitnessWith Personal Online Coach you will be supported by a certified personal trainer via the Basic-Fit mobile app. If you subscribe, you will receive a 12-week tailor-made training programme. In addition, you will also receive advice on nutrition and lifestyle. This makes it even easier for you to achieve your goals!