PDF to DXF | CloudConvert
https://cloudconvert.com/pdf-to-dxfVerkkoPDF to DXF Converter. CloudConvert is an online document converter. Amongst many others, we support PDF, DOCX, PPTX, XLSX. Thanks to our advanced conversion technology the quality of the output will be as good as if the file was saved through the …
PDF to DXF | CloudConvert
cloudconvert.com › pdf-to-dxfHigh-Quality Conversions. Besides using open source software under the hood, we’ve partnered with various software vendors to provide the best possible results. Most conversion types can be adjusted to your needs such as setting the quality and many other options.
LibreDWG - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation
www.gnu.org › software › libredwgFeb 22, 2021 · Among the example applications we wrote using LibreDWG is a reader (from dwg, dxf, json), a writer (convert from dwg, dxf, json or add from scratch), a rewriter (i.e. saveas), an initial SVG and Postscript conversion, converters from and to DXF and JSON, dwggrep to search for text, and dwglayer to print the list of layers.