Addgene: pCas pCas from Dr. Sheng Yang's lab contains the insert cas9 and is published in Appl Environ Microbiol. 2015 Jan 30. pii: AEM.04023-14. This plasmid is available through Addgene. Image: Illustrated plasmid map in …
Post-cardiac arrest syndrome - Wikipedia arrest syndrome (PCAS) is an inflammatory state of pathophysiology that can occur after a patient is resuscitated from a cardiac arrest. While in a state of cardiac arrest, the body experiences a unique state of global ischemia. This ischemia results in the accumulation of metabolic waste which instigate the production of inflammatory mediators. If return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) is achieved after CPR, then circulation resumes, resulting in global reperfusi…
PCAS - PCAS Finland
www.pcasfinland.comWebPCAS Finland Oy is a fine chemicals company specialised in the development and manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and advanced intermediates …
PCAS Finland
https://seqens.fiPCAS Finland Oy is a fine chemicals company specialised in the development and manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and advanced ...
About PCAS - pcas › Corporate › About-PCASAbout PCAS. With close to 7% of its net sales earmarked for R&D and a large international footprint, PCAS is the preferred industrial partner for market-leading major global groups. The company offers a growing range of proprietary products and solutions in leading-edge segments and also includes very high-potential subsidiary: Protéus in ...
Improving Public Health Through Accreditation - PCSAS
www.pcsas.orgContact information for PCSAS: Joseph Steinmetz, Executive Director. Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System (PCSAS) Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences. Indiana University. 1101 E 10th Street. Bloomington, IN 47405 USA. (479) 3 01-8008.