Webwas giving: Present perfect "give" I : have given: Present perfect continuous "give" I : have been giving: Past perfect "give" I : had given: Past perfect continuous "give" I : had …
WebConjugation of the verb give: Base Form/Infinitive without 'to': give. Past Simple: gave. Past Partciple: given. Present Partciple: giving. Third Person Singular: gives
Perfect participle. having given. Advertising. give verb conjugation to all tenses, modes and persons. Search the definition and the translation in context for “ give ”, with examples of use extracted from real-life communication. Similar English verbs: forgive, ungive, thanksgive.
If you are ready, let's start! Meaning The meaning of this word is to reach, forward, extend something on. Base Form Examples She gives flowers to her mother.
You/We/They had given. Past Perfect Continuous Tense. He/She/It had been giving. I had been giving. You/We/They had been giving. Simple Future Tense. He/She/It will/shall give. I will/shall give. You/We/They will/shall give.
The past simple and the past participle of give ; Base Form/Infinitive without 'to':. give ; Past Simple: gave ; Past Partciple: given ; Present Partciple: giving ...
Verb Tenses. Past simple — give in past simple gave (V2) . Future simple — give in future simple is give (will + V1) . Present Perfect — give in present perfect tense is given (have/has + V3) . Past Perfect — give in past perfect tense is given (had + V3) .
WebConjugate the English verb give: indicative, past tense, participle, present perfect, gerund, conjugation models and irregular verbs. Translate give in context, with examples of use …
Past Tenses ; I; you; he/she/it; we; you; they. gave; gave; gave; gave; gave; gave. The simple past tense is for a completed activity that happened in the past.