parquetvinyl.comAlthough Parquetvinyl looks like real parquet, it does not contain wood. It has a unique composition and contains up to 70% limestone. This makes it extremely robust, water-resistant, and suitable for any room. Although parquet is an entirely natural product, which gives it its exceptional character, some of its limitations are that it is not ...
A small summary of the advantages that Parquetvinyl has versus ordinary laminate flooring: 100% waterproof, can be installed in large surfaces without profiles (up to 400 m²), does not require acclimatisation, suitable for every room, good acoustic performance, low VOC emissions. What is the difference between Parquetvinyl and parquet?
Dalle PVC, lame PVC : dalle PVC clipsable, adhesive
La dalle PVC présente une forme carrée ou rectangulaire courte, comme un carrelage. D’ailleurs, elle imite souvent le carrelage ou les carreaux de ciment, ou les revêtements continus comme le béton, la pierre ou le ciment. La lame PVC …