Homepage | house.gov
house.govJan 17, 2023 · Employment opportunities for Veterans and Gold Star Family Members within the House of Representatives. Biographical sketches of former and current members of the House and Senate. Profiles, artifacts, images, historical essays, data, and educational resources related to African-American members of Congress.
home page - New Zealand Parliament
www.parliament.nzParliament Buildings’ street address Parliament Buildings Molesworth Street Wellington 6160 New Zealand For more information about tours and visiting Parliament, click here. Bellamys by Logan Brown Calendar Watch Listen Have your say Contact a Member of Parliament View all MPs Find an MP Find your electorate MP Don't know your electorate?
Riksdagen - Start
https://www.riksdagen.se/enVerkkoOur websites. EU Information Open data Celebrate democracy! Follow The Swedish Parliament. Follow the Speaker . Subscribe. The Riksdag offers various subscription services for those wanting to follow what is …
https://www.eduskunta.fi/fi/Sivut/default.aspxVerkkoEduskunnan päätökset valmistellaan valiokunnissa. Eduskunnassa on 16 pysyvää erikoisvaliokuntaa ja erityisesti EU-asioita koordinoiva suuri valiokunta. Jokainen valiokunta käsittelee sitä vastaavan ministeriön hallinnonalaan kuuluvia asioita. Valiokunnat. Valiokunnissa käsittelyssä olevat asiat. Kokoussuunnitelmat.
UK Parliament
www.parliament.ukJan 20, 2023 · ParliamentNow presents information from the UK Parliament annunciator system, covering both the House of Commons and House of Lords. Similar to annunciator screens on the Parliamentary estate, it provides constantly updated information on what's happening in both chambers. To view ParliamentNow on ...
Official Guide to Government Information and Services | USAGov
www.usa.govFind government information on getting and funding an education in the U.S. Government Agencies and Elected Officials Find information for federal, state, and local government agencies and elected officials. Health Find health resources from the government. Housing Get information and services to help with finding and keeping a home.
European Parliament
https://www.europarl.europa.euVerkkoThe official website of the European Parliament, the directly elected legislative body of the European Union Access to page content (press 'Enter') Direct access to language menu (press "Enter")