NeedIt: Etusivu
https://www.needit.fiPARK LITE BLACK. Park Lite on helppo tapa välttää pysäköintimaksut kiekon puuttuessa tai ollessa hukassa. Lue lisää Park Litestä ja sen ominaisuuksista.
Park Lite - NEEDIT › park-litePark Lite is made in the same quality as other Needit parking discs but is offered at a lower price. Fit Park Lite in the bottom right-hand corner of the windscreen. The disc takes care of everything, so you don’t have to remember to set your parking disc all the time. Park Lite is designed and developed in Denmark and can withstand extreme ...
Etusivu - NeedIt
https://www.needit.fiPARK LITE BLACK. Park Lite on helppo tapa välttää pysäköintimaksut kiekon puuttuessa tai ollessa hukassa. Lue lisää Park Litestä ja sen ominaisuuksista.
Park Lite - NEEDIT elektroniske parkeringsskiver › park-litePark Lite er testet i ekstreme høje og lave temperaturer, den er pålidelig, driftssikker og skifter automatisk mellem sommer og vintertid. Mål (BxHxD, cm) Uden emballage: 10,0 x 7,7 x 1,8. Med emballage: 17,5 x 10,5 x 2,1. UR. Gennemsnitlig nøjagtighed: ± 2 min./2 år. Reaktionstid parkeringstilstand: ca. 20 sek.
PARK LITE - Apps on Google Play › store › appsUse the map in the app find a parking space. 2. Press "Parking" and set the desired parking time. 3. Shortly before your parking time you receive a notification. 4. Another alert You will receive in case of elapsed parking time. 5. When opening the app window the way back will be displayed on your vehicle.