Parcel Monkey | The package shipping comparison site
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Parcel Post
www.parcelpost.onlineShop Online Anywhere, Anytime Contact Us. Ask how Rates ALL RATES displayed are in Jamaican Dollars (JMD) Parcel Post has the best rates for shipping small or large packages. 1 - 25 pounds 26 - 50 pounds 51 - 75 pounds 76 - 100 pounds Over 100 lbs. Contact Us. Other fees Fee for packages with bad shipping addresses: $660.00/package
UK & International Parcel Delivery | ParcelCompare
parcelcompare.comSince ParcelCompare was launched in 1986 we’ve saved our users over £50 million. That’s because we’re the champion of small businesses and everyday senders. It didn’t take people long to discover that by comparing prices of all the major couriers they could save up to 60% on their deliveries, while enjoying £50 free cover.