Parallel Comparisons: When You Need “Other” or “Else” › index › 2012Expressing comparisons can be tricky. You must be sure that you are always comparing like things. In other words, be sure that your comparisons are parallel: Non-parallel: I don’t like Christmas fruitcake as much as Andy. Parallel: I don’t like Christmas fruitcake as much as Andy does. That little addition of does makes a difference. Without it, the sentence is ambiguous.
Parallel Structure Examples - YourDictionary › parallel-structureIncorrect Examples. Parallel constructor errors are italicized. Mary wanted to make sure she made her presentation creatively, effectively and persuaded others. ("Persuaded others" is not parallel with the other list items.) Tim was considered to be a good employee because he was always on time, he was very motivated and led the team well. ("Led the team well" is not parallel with the other list items.)