Panorama Tower (Espoo) - Wikipedia Panorama Tower (previously known as Signaali Headquarters) is a high-rise building in Leppävaara, Espoo, Finland located at Hevosenkenkä 3. It is the third highest building in Espoo and the third-highest office building in Finland after the Accountor Tower and the Maamerkki building in Itäkeskus, Helsinki. The building is a three-sided office building with the sides attached to each other. Of the three sides, two have seven floors and one has seventeen floors.
Panorama Tower - Varma Toimitilat › panorama-towerPanorama Tower Hevosenkenkä 3, 02600 ESPOO Näytä sijainti kartalla Panorama Tower on seitsemäntoistakerroksinen maamerkki Espoon Leppävaarassa. Kiinteistön toimitilat ovat moderneja, ja niitä voidaan muunnella yrityksen näköisiksi. Ylimmistä kerroksista avautuvat upeat näkymät Espooseen ja Helsinkiin. Katso vapaat tilat Toimisto 2. krs 362 m²
Panorama Tower – Wikipedia Tower (aiemmin Signaali Headquarters -hanke) on tornitalo Espoon Leppävaarassa osoitteessa Hevosenkenkä 3. Se on Espoon kolmanneksi korkein tornitalo ja Suomen kolmanneksi korkein toimistotorni Fortumin pääkonttorin ja Itäkeskuksen maamerkin jälkeen. Rakennus on kolmilohkoinen toimistorakennus jossa talot ovat kiinni toisissaan. Toimistotalon lohkoista kaksi on seitsemänkerroksisia ja torniosa seitsemäntoistakerroksinen.
Panorama Tower - L Arkkitehdit › en › caseSeventeen-storey high Panorama Tower is the highest office building in Finland. It is located in the middle of Leppävaara town, in the immediate vicinity of its railway station and Sello shopping mall. The Panorama Tower office spaces are all modern and conveniently flexible; the landlord can easily adapt them to his tenants’ needs.
Panorama Tower
www.panoramatower.comPanorama also offers residents the largest apartments, the best finishes and appliances, and the most amenities in Miami—over 100,000 square feet of restaurants, lounges, and pools, as well as cutting-edge fitness, lifestyle, and community facilities—all at the center of Brickell.
Leppävaara tower - Wikipedia › wiki › Leppävaara_towerThe Leppävaara tower seen from the base of the Panorama Tower. The Leppävaara tower illuminated in October 2017. The Leppävaara tower is a high-rise building in Leppävaara, Espoo, Finland, located at Valurinkuja 2. The building is located right next to the Leppävaara railway station and the Sello shopping centre.