University of Helsinki is the oldest and largest institution of academic education in the country. The university is an international scientific community of 40,000 students and researchers. In international university rankings, the University of Helsinki typically ranks among the top 100. Through the power of science, the University has contributed to society, education and welfare since 1640.
Hours & Calendar – OWA › hours-calendarNov 07, 2022 · Hours & calendar An afternoon. A long weekend. Start planning now. This week at a glance Tropic Falls Thur 4pm-9pmFri 10am-8pmSat 10am-8pmSun 10am-6pm Downtown OWA Open 7 days a weekHours vary byContinue reading "Hours & Calendar"
HUS: Etusivu
https://www.hus.fiHUS on Suomen suurin erikoissairaanhoidon toimija. 27 000 huippuammattilaistamme hoitavat vuosittain lähes 700 000 potilasta.
Microsoft Office 365 - University of Helsinki › o365Full-featured web interface for accessing email and calendar (Outlook Web App, OWA). Compatibility with some desktop clients such as Microsoft Outlook and Apple Mail. Large message storage capacity: 50 gigabytes of email storage for each user. Access from portable devices, including Android and iOS and based phones and tablets.