Haun aloitussivu | Oamk - Finna
oula.finna.fi › oamkOulun yliopiston kirjaston kokoelmat ja palvelut ovat pääsääntöisesti kaikkien käytettävissä. Asiakkaalla tulee olla kirjastokortti, jonka Oulun yliopiston ja Oamkin opiskelijat ja henkilökunta saavat Tuudo-mobiilisovelluksen kautta ja muut asiakkaat täyttämällä kirjastokorttihakemuksen ja noutamalla kortin kirjaston asiakaspalvelusta.
Library - Oamk
www.oamk.fi › en › about-oamkOamk Library offers up-to-date services and collections that support studying and learning. In addition to the printed library collections, the customers of Oamk Library have access to a wide collection of electronic materials on campus. The students and staff of Oamk also have access to the electronic resources remotely from home.
Search Home | Oamk - Oula-Finna
oula.finna.fi › oamkOula-Finna | Oamk Resources of Oulu University Library and e-resources of Oamk All fields (truncation:*) Advanced search International e-materials search Renew loans Library guides Book a librarian Frequently asked questions More Library news Oulu University of Applied Sciences Log in with your Oamk username to access e-resources.
Oula-Finna | Oamk
https://oamk.finna.fiOula-Finna | Oamk · Oulun yliopiston kirjaston aineistot ja Oamkin e-aineistot · Kirjaston uutiset · Oulun ammattikorkeakoulu · Lainaajaksi Oulun yliopiston ...
Use of Electronic Resources | University of Oulu
www.oulu.fi › en › universityGo to Oula-Finna and login with your student or staff username and password (Haka Login). Option 2. Search for e-journal, e-book or database in Resource guides and click the name. You will be prompted for your Oamk username and password (Haka Login), before the access is granted. Option 3. Some databases require a collective user name and password.
Read, renew, request – OULA-FINNA | University of Oulu
www.oulu.fi › read-renew-request-oula-finnaStudents and staff of University of Oulu and Oamk will log into Oula-Finna with their institutional user accounts (Haka login). Haka login enables remote access to e-resources. Login instructions University of Oulu | Login instructions Oamk; For other customers we recommend creating a Finna ID and adding the library card to Finna account. Your library card will be added to your account based on your e-mail address.
About Oula-Finna | Oamk
oy.finna.fi › oamk › ContentAbout Oula-Finna. Using Oula-Finna Oamk user interface you can search for printed books of Oulu University Library and National Repository Library, e-books, journals, theses, videos etc. as well as e-articles and e-books in Primo Central. In Oula-Finna you can also renew your loans, place hold requests and order material from the National Repository Library.
Oula-Finna | Oamk
https://oula.finna.fi/oamkVerkkoOulun yliopiston kirjaston kokoelmat ja palvelut ovat pääsääntöisesti kaikkien käytettävissä. Asiakkaalla tulee olla kirjastokortti, jonka Oulun yliopiston ja Oamkin …