Kartta - Tampere
www.tampere.fi › karttaFeb 8, 2023 · Palvelusta löydät kaupungin paikkatietoaineistot, jotka on suunnattu työssä tai vapaa-ajalla karttoja tai paikkatietoaineistoja tarvitsevalle käyttäjälle. Karttapalvelu (Oskari) on kaikille avoin tietopalvelu, jota ylläpitää Tampereen kaupunki. Karttapalvelu.
Oskari Map Application Platform
www.oskari.org › galleryCity of Tampere mapservice is the public view to the information the city provides to its citizens but Oskari is also in internal use with the city officials. Seafare data for viewing and downloading Traficom (Finnish Transport and Communication Agency) offers seafare datasets for downloading
Oskari Map Application Platform
www.oskari.org › gallery › tampereDec 18, 2019 · Oskari as a City map service. City of Tampere is one of the most long term users of Oskari. City of Tampere mapservice is the public view to the information the city provides to its citizens but Oskari is also in internal use with the city officials. Providing the right users the right data