Montessori-What Letters to Teach First - › montessori-what-letters-to-teach-firstOct 30, 2022 · The Montessori method is a great way to teach your child to read. It is important to start with the basics, though. Here are some tips on which letters to teach first: 1. Start with the basic consonants: b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y and z. 2. Then move on to the vowels: a, e, i, o and u. 3.
How Montessori Teaches the Alphabet and Phonics › how-montessori-teachesIn Montessori, the alphabet is taught out of order and with the sounds the letters make before teaching the names of the letters. It is typically taught in 6 different sets of letters. This helps children learn to read better because they associate the correct sounds with letters. The Montessori way of teaching the alphabet provides many benefits that the traditional way of teaching does not offer.
Teach Letter Sounds to Your Child Using Montessori Principles › teach-letter-sounds-toMar 17, 2015 · Introduce letter sounds with sandpaper letters and the Montessori 3-period lesson, using your index and middle fingers to trace the letters. (See “How to Teach Concepts and Vocabulary to Your Preschooler Using the Three-Period Lesson” and “Inexpensive and DIY Sandpaper Letters.”) Use a variety of writing extensions, such as the butterfly salt writing tray shown in the collage at the top of the post. Later on, introduce the Montessori movable alphabet for spelling activities.