OpenScad library. Threads for screws and nuts V1 by Cuiso ... › thing:3131126This is an OpenSCAD library to include threads for screws and nuts in your own designs. This library is focused to provide simple functions with preset parameters by default, and not to be too demanding in CPU consumption neither in previsualizacion nor in rendering This library has been tested printing on PLA with 0.1 layer. Except for smaller diameter threads layers greater than 0.1 should ...
Libraries - OpenSCAD is a general purpose OpenSCAD library for easily creating diverse shapes by simply creating lists of points which trace out layers in an outline of the desired shape. The library consists of modules for creating polyhedrons from these lists of points, as well as functions to assist in specifying the points using transformations. » Library
OpenSCAD - Libraries › librariesThis is a general purpose function plotting library for OpenSCAD which will render functions with Cartesian coordinates (x & y input, z output), polar/cylindrical coordinates (r & angle input, z output), or axial coordinates (z & angle input, r output).
Screw library for Openscad by derekp - Thingiverse › thing:4136778This screw library takes a different (simpler) approach to making threads. Instead of drawing threads on a cylinder, it creates a stack of circle(ish) discs that represent a slice from a screw. Similar to the stack of shapes that a 3D printer slicer makes, and that actually gets printed. In this case they are created in thin pairs, then wrapped in hull() so they display like a regular screw ...
Screw library for Openscad by derekp - Thingiverse screw library takes a different (simpler) approach to making threads. Instead of drawing threads on a cylinder, it creates a stack of circle(ish) discs that represent a slice from a screw. Similar to the stack of shapes that a 3D printer slicer makes, and that actually gets printed. In this case they are created in thin pairs, then wrapped in hull() so they display like a regular screw ...
OpenSCAD - Trying to use the syvwlch screw thread library, but... › Trying-to-use-the-syvwlchJan 14, 2012 · Include its Thread_Library.scad and try: trapezoidThread(length=3.5, pitch=2.12, pitchRadius=8.607, threadHeightToPitch=cos(30), profileRatio=0.615, threadAngle=30, stepsPerTurn=3, radius=25.4/2); I'm using openscad built today on my Ubuntu 11.04 box. This comes with CGAL 3.6.1 -- maybe this is fixed in newer versions? Cheers, Len ...
Poor man's openscad screw library - DomoticX
domoticx.comDue to some bugs in the initial version, a revision of the OpenSCAD library has been uploaded, please use “polyScrewThread_r1.scad”. Thanks a lot to mechadense for reporting the bugs! This is my humble take on a screw library to be used in your OpenSCAD scripts.