Being an OU student: 5.1 - OpenLearn - Open University › openlearn › ocw5.1 Your academic email address. As an OU student you have an academic email address. You don’t have to use it – you can continue to use an existing email address for us to contact you so you don’t have an additional inbox to check. If you want to get student discounts, however, you might need to supply and verify an academic email address.
Sign in or register - Open University order to access this page, you need to sign in. If you already have an Open University account, you can use it to sign in here. If you don’t already have an Open University account, you can create one free of charge by registering with your email address. It only takes a few moments.
TNOU | Portal
https://tnouportal.inWelcome To TNOU e-Portal ... NOTE : Default password is your date of birth as DDMMYYYY. Upon successful login, you are advised to change your password by using ...
My OpenLearn account - OpenLearn - Open University › openlearn › get-startedFeb 1, 2018 · For more detail, see how we deal with older content . You can access all of the free learning materials on OpenLearn without creating an account, but by creating an account you will gain access to a range of features including being able to obtain a free Statement of participation. You can read about how we handle your personal data in our ...