1 The leader, educational leadership and management
www.open.edu › openlearn › education-development1 The leader, educational leadership and management. There has been a tremendous amount written about being a leader, how to be a good leader, how to offer effective leadership and many other permutations of those words. We have all experienced the leadership of others in our professional and personal lives, and will have a view about which leadership actions, behaviours and strategies might be required in a given situation.
EE811 | Educational Leadership | Open University
www.open.ac.uk › postgraduate › modulesThis module explores educational leadership and management in a range of global contexts through scholarship, research and your own professional practice. It is also the first of three specialist modules in the Leadership and Management route within our Masters degree in Education (F70). You’ll examine models of leadership, of leading professional learning and of change.
Exploring educational leadership: 8 Concepts, theories and ...
www.open.edu › openlearn › education-developmentBoth theories and models are built up of concepts. The concept of the ‘leader’ in the educational research literature often contrasts the ‘power of one’ (Harris, 2003, p. 14) with the concept of ‘leadership’ in other more collegiate, shared or distributed models. In setting up this dichotomy, issues about recommendations for practice, democracy in organisational structures and how power and authority are connected to leadership all move the discussion from the theoretical to the ...