Open Lectures | Institute of Continuing Education (ICE) › open-lecturesJul 24, 2019 · Open Lectures Information for Students Plenary lecture series: information for members of the University The University of Cambridge has held International Summer Programmes since 1923. Organised and run by the International Programmes Division of the Institute of Continuing Education, the offering now embraces 13 programmes and 208 courses.
Open Cambridge | from the University of Cambridge drop-in events at Open Cambridge in September. From hidden nature reserves and majestic libraries to iconic buildings and enthralling stories of the past, this year’s 10-day Festival (9-18 September) features over 30 drop-in events across the city and county, alongside a further 60 bookable events. Open Cambridge, which is part of the ... Public Lectures in Cambridge Cambridge University Computing and Technology Society (CUCaTS) Cambridge University Physics Society Featured talks Monday 10 October The …