Visa Lounges | Visa › benefits › visa-loungesVisa Lounges. To access the lounges, simply register once for the program and present your Visa Infinite card to the receptionists in one of the participating rooms. The US $ 27 * visit fee will be charged directly from your participating Visa Infinite card. To enjoy this benefit, access your exclusive area.
OP Gold | Mutkatonta elämää varten | OP › paivittaiset › kortit1. Ulkomaan matkat. Matkavakuutus on voimassa ulkomaan matkoilla, kun 50 % matkan kustannuksista eli kuljetus ja majoitus on maksettu OP Gold -kortin credit-ominaisuudella. Esimerkiksi, jos lennot maksavat 500 € ja hotelli 300 €, näistä kustannuksista 400 € pitää olla maksettu Goldin credit-ominaisuudella.
OP Gold | Card for a carefree life | OP › daily-banking › cardsYour OP Gold card includes LoungeKey membership and two free-of-charge lounge visits per year (1 January–31 December). You can use the free visits yourself, or invite one of your travelling companions to join you in the lounge free of charge on the first visit. After using your free visits, you can still make use of your LoungeKey membership.
Citigold Lounges a Citigold Lounge Location: To learn more about all your travel benefits as a Citigold client sign on to request an appointment . Call: 1-888-248-4465 | TTY: Use 711. Citi offers Citigold clients a world of benefits. If you're interested in finding out more, contact a U.S. Citigold Relationship Manager or learn about the benefits of Citigold.