Free perforation gauge on the web - Postage Stamp Chat …
19.6.2015 · You must scan your stamps at 600dpi as that's the size of the gauge. Then open up your scanned stamp image page and your perf gauge image. Copy/Paste the gauge into the stamp page and just move it around the screen …
iHobb: Stamp Perforation Gauges
Stamp Perforation Gauges: offers a range of tools from the simple and reliable aluminum perforation gauge, to the Linn's Multi-Gauge which allows for more precise measurement of modern die cuts, to the ultimate electronic …
Introduction. ePerforationGauge is a very useful tool to determine the perforation of a stamp that is displayed on a graphical image on a black (ish) background. Move the perforation gauge over the stamp to find the exact perforation or use …
ePerforationGauge › epg › indexeePerforationGauge is a very useful tool to determine the perforation of a stamp that is displayed on a graphical image on a black (ish) background. Move the perforation gauge over the stamp to find the exact perforation or use the possibility of the program to automatically measure the perforation of one side or the perforations of two sides.
The Stamp Analyser
https://rakium.comRakium Inc. is a software development and consulting company. It is located in Hudson, Quebec, Canada. It was established in 2007. The Stamp Analyser was developed in part with exclusive …
EzPerf - Stamp Perforation Measurement Software From …
Buying a SG Instanta gauge from SG on eBay, shipped to my door in Denmark, costs USD 12.59. EzPerf has so much functionality that I feel the price is very reasonable. And even if I only used EzPerf as a simple on-screen perforation …