Online Ruler cm/mm -
onlineruler.orgOnline Ruler CM/MM Length Convert Ruler in inch Fullscreen Your monitor dectact as 10.4'' 800X600 If not, Change your display size Calibrate Marker Our website help you to measure the size any small object in inches or CM/MM. It works like a virtual on-screen online ruler.
Actual Size Online Ruler (inches, cm/mm) — measure something!
ruler.onlThis online app works on both computers with a large screen (laptops, PCs, monoblocks or smart TVs) and mobile gadgets (phones, phablets, tablets, e-ink readers). The maximum length of the ruler (fully visible when displayed on a sufficient screen) is 20 inches, or 50 centimeters (500 millimeters) for the metric scale option.
Online Ruler - Actual Size Measurements in mm, cm, and inches
ruler-online.netAs mentioned before, the ruler has a mm, cm, and inch scale. The upper side of the ruler is mm and cm. The lower side shows an inch. Also, you can change the graduation of an inch. This option is just below the ruler. There are three graduations that you can choose: 1/8, 1/16, and 1/32. By default, it is selected to 1/16.
Ruler Online in mm, cm & inches - Ruler.Digital › ruler-onlineRuler Online is an online ruler that can be used to measure in mm, cm and inches. It is a convenient and accurate on-screen online ruler for any device, be it a desktop, laptop or mobile phone. How to measure in mm, cm and inches We often find ourselves in situations where we need to measure something, but don’t have a ruler handy.