Fast English - Online ESL Games › fast-englishAbout This is a simple game for learning basic English vocabulary. Primarily, it is aimed at ESL (English as a second language) learners, but other learners may find it useful too. To play, just listen to the words and click on the matching images. The game gets faster as you progress and if you do not click quickly enough, then the game will end.
Online ESL Games
www.gamestolearnenglish.comLook at the image and then spell the word. Interactive clock to practice telling the time. Find the matching pairs of images and words. Listen and click on the correct food images. Reveal the images and click on the words. Practice future tense sentences with 'Going To'. Move the clouds to make sentences. Practice making sentences in perfect tense.
Online ESL Games
https://www.gamestolearnenglish.comLook at the image and then spell the word. Interactive clock to practice telling the time. Find the matching pairs of images and words. Listen and click on the correct food images. Reveal the images and click on the words. Practice future tense sentences with 'Going To'. Move the …