One Way TV › ...ONE WAY TV ; Uusimmat · Kapteenin pöydältä - Anna minulle Iisak · One Way Ugandassa ; Katsotuimmat · Raamattu avautuu - Tapani Suonto: Palvele sellaisena kuin ...
One Way TV – One Way Mission › onewaytvOsoitteesta löydät netti-tv-kanavamme ja yli 1 000 ohjelmaa sisältävän ohjelma-arkiston. Antennikanavan televisiolähetykset ovat katsottavissa samanaikaisesti myös nettikanavalla. Netti-TV SEURAA MEITÄ Seuraamalla One Way TV:n Facebook -sivua saat ilmoituksia uusista ohjelmista ja voit jakaa sisältöämme myös evankeliointitarkoituksissa.
OneWay Ministries | Reach People | United States - OWM
www.owm.orgOneWay Through a family of missions and media ministries, we help people reach people. Reaching the lost and rallying the church MISSIONS Reaching the lost by boosting national workers around the world MEDIA Rallying the Church to reach the lost through compelling media resources Featured Resources FREE RESOURCE
One Way TV › fiOne Way Tuotanto Oy PL 21, 02361 Espoo (Kaisaniemenkatu 10, Helsinki) Puhelin: 09-8502 0808 Sähköposti:
One Way TV › infoOne Way TV is a Web-TV channel founded by the Finnish mission organization One Way Mission. Through this channel we want to spread the Good News about Jesus Christ, support the believers in their spiritual growth and inform how to be involved in the mission fields around the world. We publish regularly new content that is strongly based on the Bible.
One Way TV
https://oneway.tvONE WAY TV ; Latest · The Bible Unfolds 67 - Josef, part 2 · The Bible Unfolds 66 - Josef, part 1 ; Most watched · Siipeni murtuneet · Tuhannet Haaveet ; Series.
1 Way Mission – Campground Ministries
1waymission.orgAs stated before, Millennials are leaving the church and filling the campgrounds. Our mission is to fill their hearts with the Holy Spirit! We want people to have a true saving relationship with Jesus Christ Along with people falling away from the Church, Many false doctrines and teaching are starting to infiltrate the pulpits and pews.
One Way TV Way TV is a Web-TV channel founded by the Finnish mission organization One Way Mission. Through this channel we want to spread the Good News about Jesus Christ, support …