OMX Helsinki Benchmark CAP_PI - Nasdaq › Index › OverviewThe OMX Helsinki Benchmark Index consists of the 50 to 70 largest and most traded stocks, representing the majority of sectors. The weight of the constituent stocks is based on the market value adjusted by the free float, which means that only the part of the share capital that is considered available for trading is included in the index.
OMX Helsinki_GI - Nasdaq Helsinki Cap index is (OMXHCAP) weight capped version of All-Share Index where the maximum weight of one share is limited to 10% of total market value of the index. OMXH and OMXHCAP indexes are available both as PI and GI. The base date for the OMX Helsinki All-Share and OMX Helsinki Cap Index is December 28, 1990 with a base value of 1000.
Helsingin pörssi – WikipediaörssiHelsingin pörssi eli Nasdaq Helsinki on suomalaisten arvopapereiden markkinapaikka, jossa arvopaperivälittäjät käyvät kauppaa muun muassa osakkeilla, optioilla, warranteilla ja joukkovelkakirjalainoilla. Helsingin pörssi on perustettu vuonna 1912, ja se kuuluu nykyään ruotsalaiseen OMX-konserniin. OMX siirtyi yhdysvaltalaisen Nasdaqinomistukseen vuonna 2007 tehdyllä kaup…
OMX Helsinki_GI - Nasdaq › Index › OverviewOMX Helsinki Cap index is (OMXHCAP) weight capped version of All-Share Index where the maximum weight of one share is limited to 10% of total market value of the index. OMXH and OMXHCAP indexes are available both as PI and GI. The base date for the OMX Helsinki All-Share and OMX Helsinki Cap Index is December 28, 1990 with a base value of 1000.